Matthew Bialecki

Alvarez & Marsal

540 West Madison Street, 18th Floor
60661, Chicago, USA
Tel: +1 312 601 4001
Fax: +1 312 332 4599


Peers and clients say:

"Matthew has significant experience in handling high-value disputes"
"An incredibly well-respected forensic expert"


Mr Bialecki leads the disputes and investigations eastern US regional team, and is a member of the executive committee. He has more than 25 years’ experience as an expert witness, neutral arbitrator and consultant in a variety of areas, including litigation, fraud and forensic investigations. He specialises in post-acquisition disputes, disputes with complex financial issues and financial investigations. Prior to joining A&M, Mr Bialecki was a partner with a Big Four public accounting firm in Chicago.

What attracted you to a career in forensic accounting?

In college, my initial plan was to go to law school. My major was public accounting and after working at a law firm in college, I decided I would do something in between accounting and being a lawyer, which was forensic accounting. I have loved doing it ever since.

What do clients look for in an effective forensic accountant?

Clients typically look for the proper credentials and relevant experience. Credentials might be certifications or specific training on dealing with a particular matter. Relevant experience might be familiarity with a specific issue the client is dealing with, experience working in a specific industry, or any other unique skills acquired that might be helpful in dealing with the current situation. Clients also want the work to be cost-effective.

How has the market changed since you started practising?

The market has changed tremendously over the 25-plus years I have been practising. When I started, I was working on resolution trust real estate crisis cases and have worked on many different types of cases since then. The market continues to change year after year, often driven by the focus of the regulators, and I have been able to adapt and change with the market.

What is the greatest challenge for forensic experts in financial investigations in the USA today?

I think the greatest challenge for forensic experts in financial investigations today is the decrease in regulation, creating fewer opportunities in the marketplace.

In your opinion, where does the future of forensic accounting in investigations lie?

The future of forensic accounting in investigations lies in the ability to combine traditional forensic accounting experience with technology. As technology becomes more and more complex, the ability to create applications that can aid in an investigation and also create efficiencies in our work will be key to being successful.

How does Alvarez & Marsal distinguish itself from competition?

Alvarez & Marsal distinguishes itself from its competition by being a consulting firm known for asking tough questions, listening well, digging in and rolling up our sleeves. We are fact-driven and action-oriented. We act decisively and deliver practical solutions to unique problems.

What has been your proudest achievement to date?

My proudest career achievement to date was making partner in 2006.

What advice would you give to younger practitioners hoping to one day be in your position?

I would advise young practitioners to, of course, work hard, but also to bring solutions to challenges they have in their daily work. Do not wait for someone to always solve issues for you. You will always need guidance, but come to your superiors with perspectives that show you have thought about an issue and have an opinion about the direction a matter should take. That will make you stand out from your peers.