Alexander Troller


35 Rue de la Mairie
1207, Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 105 2000


Peers and clients say:

"Alexander Troller is a go-to Geneva lawyer"
"He is terrific at dealing with strategy in complex international litigation cases"
"Mr Troller is an excellent asset recovery lawyer"


Alexander specialises in litigation, with particular emphasis on financial matters, corporate and shareholder disputes, white-collar crime, estate and inheritance disputes, employment conflicts and more generally, asset recovery and judicial assistance in civil and criminal matters. His commercial awareness and broad experience gives him a strong understanding of his clients’ needs. His wide-ranging industry sector expertise includes: private clients, banking and finance, natural resources, utilities and infrastructure projects.

Looking back over your career, what is the most interesting case you have been a part of?

There are fortunately quite a few that would qualify, so that singling out one particular matter appears difficult. Cases involving a strong personal contact with clients are the most rewarding, especially when success finally comes - sometimes after years of challenging strategic steering and client management!

How have white-collar crime cases changed since you started practising as a litigator?

The impact of technology has changed the landscape in terms of investigative tools and underlying assets – think of crypto. That said, human nature seems particularly resilient, and we see the same criminal patterns over time.

To what extent are civil remedies a more effective way of recovering assets than criminal remedies?

It is rather the opposite, especially in civil law systems which not only do not know of discovery but sometimes also impose heavy court fees on claimants merely for filing a lawsuit. Where available, criminal remedies will as a rule prove more efficient, notably through the investigative powers of prosecutors – including to obtain evidence for civil purposes. The criminal route is also far more affordable, absent any “entry fee” for plaintiffs.

To what extent is the increasingly virtual nature of investigations making for a more efficient process? In what aspects is it falling short?

A comprehensive investigation cannot focus exclusively on data and virtual aspects. Human intelligence will always be required as well, to give flavour and sheer sense to “technical” findings.

You have a strong understanding of the life cycle of businesses thanks to your practice that spans litigious and advisory issues. How does this enhance your white-collar crime practice?

If a transaction doesn’t make sense for all parties involved, smell a rat! Common sense is the best red flag to prevent fraud.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Be true to yourself. Also, leave no stone unturned.

What can up-and-coming practitioners be doing to make a name for themselves in the Swiss market?

Sharpen your profile by regularly publishing early in your career. This will get you noticed in those area(s) of law you particularly relate to, which in turn will become your field(s) of expertise.

What would you like to achieve that you have not already?

Retirement? Just kidding. Serendipity, of course. The pandemic has impacted business travel, which in turn significantly reduced a recurrent source of stress. I now think twice before booking a trip and try limiting my voyages to fulfilling human experiences.