Marc Henzelin


35 Rue de la Mairie
1207, Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 105 2000


WWL says:

Marc Henzelin is a lawyer that is "known for his white-collar practice" in the Swiss market, given his strong track record in criminal litigation and investigations.


Marc has vast experience in transnational and domestic litigation, with a focus in international and economic criminal law, commercial and banking litigation, asset recovery, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and extradition, sports and public international law. He leads private investigations, focusing on asset search, recovery and compliance issues. His portfolio includes some of the most important asset recovery cases in Switzerland.

How are things different now in the field of business crime defence to when you were starting out?

It’s difficult to think that far back! The key difference I would say is the proliferation of technology, which has given rise to increased opportunities for criminal behaviour, but which is also a powerful weapon in the fight for justice. The key challenge for lawyers is to keep pace with this ever-evolving world.

How significant will the use of litigation as an asset recovery tool be in a post-covid-19 world?

You only need to look back to the aftermath of the 2008 global banking crisis, which helped to expose some of the world’s largest fraud schemes, to answer this question. As the world begins to get back to some form of normality, we are already seeing an increase in instructions and enquiries relating to litigation. I expect this to continue.

What are the main challenges for companies in your jurisdiction when they are facing multinational investigations and why?

The Swiss legal system is renowned for providing full cooperation to foreign jurisdictions in relation to their international investigations. Unfortunately, that is not always the case when the shoe is on the other foot. This can cause undue delay and with it, significant financial ramifications.

What inspired you to co-found the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights?

Before joining LALIVE, I worked in the legal team of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Africa and the Middle East and saw first-hand the importance of promoting and protecting international humanitarian law and human rights. LALIVE also has a long tradition of involvement in all forms of corporate responsibility. Our lawyers share a sense of duty in helping the wider global community in any way we can. I guess it’s in our DNA.

In your opinion, should younger lawyers specialise or keep a broad practice when starting out in their career?

My advice to younger lawyers is to find an area of law that truly excites them. When you’re starting out this might mean casting the career net more widely. Having a passion for what you do helps alleviate some of the pressures that come with the territory and elevates the quality of the work.

You have had a very distinguished career. What would you still like to achieve?

One of the things that I really enjoy about my job is that every day throws up new challenges and with it the opportunity to achieve. I am fortunate to work within a team of talented individuals who are committed to helping our clients navigate the intricacies of the ever-changing global landscape. Long may that continue.