Juerg Bloch

Niederer Kraft Frey Ltd

Bahnhofstrasse 53
8001, Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 800 80 00
Fax: +41 58 800 80 80


Peers and clients say:

“Juerg Bloch is an excellent lawyer"
"He is a respected lawyer who takes on big matters”
"Juerg is a go-to in the market".


A partner and co-chair of the investigations and white-collar department of NKF, Juerg has represented numerous corporations and members of the senior management in domestic and cross-border investigations by Swiss and foreign authorities. Juerg is also recognised for his expertise in cross-border disputes in the financial, trust, commodities and sports industries. Juerg is ranked by the leading directories and is described as "an absolute go-to lawyer for complex investigations matters".

What inspired you to pursue a career in investigations and white-collar crime work?

A strong sense of justice and a fascination with the complexities of white-collar crime sparked my passion for this field. Most of our white-collar cases are complex and have a cross-border angle. This requires not only legal expertise, but also a comprehensive understanding of the economic aspects as well as a network of top-tier colleagues around the globe.

What are the greatest challenges currently facing white-collar crime and investigations specialists like yourself?

The rapid advancements in technology present new opportunities for white-collar criminals, making it crucial for specialists to stay updated with the latest tools, techniques, and digital evidence analysis methods. Keeping pace with emerging technologies and understanding their implications is vital in effectively investigating and prosecuting white-collar crimes. In addition, with the increasing globalisation of business, white-collar crimes frequently transcend international borders. Investigating and prosecuting these cross-border crimes involves navigating even more different legal systems, obtaining evidence from multiple jurisdictions, and coordinating with international law enforcement agencies.

What are some of the best tools and strategies for navigating the complexities of international investigations matters?

I believe that building strong relationships and partnerships with international law firms is essential. Joint efforts allow for information sharing, access to resources, and coordinated investigations across borders. Furthermore, using advanced technology and data analytics is unavoidable. In this context, NKF has established a LegalTech working group in order to follow market developments and to evaluate relevant products and tools to be used by NKF. Our aim is to serve our clients in the most efficient way and to the highest standard.

To what extent has machine learning and artificial intelligence impacted how you approach investigations?

By training machine learning models with historical data, we can predict potential outcomes and identify trends. This helps in anticipating future risks, pinpointing areas of concern, and prioritising investigative efforts. Nevertheless it's the combination of human intelligence and technological capabilities that leads to more robust and efficient investigations.

In what ways does Niederer Kraft Frey distinguish itself from competitors in the market?

NKF stands as a progressive and modern employer and brings together a team of highly qualified lawyers who have wide expertise in their practice areas. Many of our lawyers hold international degrees or originate from abroad, which contributes to a multicultural environment and enables efficient handling of cross-border matters. This diversity makes NKF most likely the most internationally oriented law firm in Switzerland.

What excites you most about the future of white-collar crime practice?

Because white-collar crime often involves cross-border elements, building strong networks with international partners allows for the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and insights into new trends and techniques. White-collar crime investigations often involve a variety of disciplines, such as legal knowledge, economic evaluation, and technical analysis. This combination of diverse expertise and perspectives leads to innovative solutions and increases the effectiveness of investigations.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in investigations?

Each investigation presents a unique challenge and requires a combination of interest, commitment and passion. Investigations are an ever-evolving field, so commit to constant learning. Stay up to date on new trends, technological advances, and changes in laws and regulations. Attend relevant training programs, conferences and seminars to expand your knowledge and skills. Just always give 100 percent!

You have enjoyed a very distinguished career so far. What would you like to achieve that you have not yet accomplished?

I am grateful for the accomplishments and experiences I have had in my career. Because I believe that a mentor is one of the most important elements of a successful career, I would like to pursue more opportunities to mentor aspiring lawyers, advise them, and share the practical wisdom and lessons I have learned throughout my career. I have also taken on teaching roles to inspire and educate future lawyers.