Tina Wüstemann

Bär & Karrer Ltd

Brandschenkestrasse 90
8002, Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 261 50 00


WWL says:

Tina Wüstemann is a formidable leader in Switzerland for private client matters, excelling on a range of matters including prenuptials and estates.


Head of Bär & Karrer’s private client practice, more than 25 years of experience. Advising UHNW and HNW individuals and families on international estate planning and wealth structuring, representing them in cross-border trust and estate disputes. One of the most renowned Swiss private client lawyers, consistently ranked first tier by international client guides. Recognized from STEP Private Clients Awards as "Trusted Advisor of the Year" in 2022. Awarded with the Europe Women in Business Law Award 2022 as "Best in trusts & estates". Listed in Chambers and Partners HNW Guide 2022 in Tier 1 for Private Wealth Law in Switzerland. Recognized as a WWL: Thought Leader Global Elite 2021 (Private Client), Global Leader 2021 und National Leader Switzerland 2021 (Private Client), awarded as Private Client Lawyer of the Year 2021 (global) and Lawyer of the Year 2019 (Switzerland) by WWL.

What do you enjoy most about your role as head of the firm’s private client practice?

I enjoy everything! Firstly, I enjoy the great versatility of my work. Our private client practice is incredibly diverse, in every sense of the word: our clients include global business families and charitable foundations, rock stars, Silicon Valley start-up founders, patrons of the arts – but also completely unassuming people of all ages, backgrounds and colours. All have their very special stories, their visions and their problems. The cases we handle are just as diverse: international succession planning and asset structuring, family law issues, cross-border disputes over assets, influence and reputation, investments in real estate, companies, luxury goods and works of art, relocation with all the practical problems that entails.

Secondly, I enjoy making our clients feel that they are in the best hands, supporting them in mastering challenges, coming up with creative solutions to their issues, winning disputes for them – being there for them in every respect.

Thirdly, I enjoy working with a superb team, consisting of extraordinary and highly motivated people of different age and background, talent, and character. I am proud of being their leader, supporter, and coach.

How do you effectively approach and execute complex matters for your clients?

For me, being an effective private client lawyer means

  • first and foremost: relying on my people skills and experience
  • taking a structured approach to my tasks, focusing on the most important, keeping my thoughts – and desk – uncluttered and tidy
  • no matter the complexity or time pressure: taking time to assess the situation and evaluate my options before I decide. Daring to make decisions, to take the lead.

What makes Bär & Karrer stand out from its competitors in the market?

The following elements make us stand out among our competitors in the Swiss market:

  • our size as Switzerland’s largest private client practice
  • our consistent first tier ranking in international client guides
  • our track record in acting as international lead counsel in complex cross-border matters
  • our presence in Switzerland’s most important private client hubs: Zurich, Geneva, Zug, Lugano, and Basel, in all of Switzerland’s language areas
  • our capability to quickly assemble and successfully work in multidisciplinary teams for the benefit of our clients, within our firm and with elite private client advisors around the world
  • our availability, responsiveness, and speed as part of the culture of our firm.

What do you find most challenging about handling matters on an international and cross-border level?

No matter your experience: every client case has its own distinct features, complexities, and dynamics. No size fits all. It never gets boring. You can never lean back and be complacent.

Matters – if international or domestic – may be challenging in different ways:

  • because of their complexity or time constraints
  • because of the clients and what is at stake
  • because of emotional elements and strained, complex relationships.

Dealing with matters that combine all of these challenges is our daily business.

What skills and values would you encourage in the next generation of private client lawyers?

Take your time. Invest in yourself.

Studying and working abroad is paramount for understanding other cultures, shapes your ability to relate to different people, and generally broadens your horizon.

Whatever you do: give it your all, be passionate, dedicated, and focused. Always remain positive, empathetic, and authentic.

Where does the future of private client practice lie?

Private client matters will become more international, complex, multifaceted. The rise in cross-border disputes will continue.

Law firms that are able to play a leading role in such international matters, to manage multidisciplinary teams across borders, will profit from this development.