Hugo López Coll

Sainz Abogados

Torre del Bosque, Boulevard M Avila Camacho 24 - Piso 20, Lomas de Chapultepec
DF-11000, Mexico City, Mexico
Tel: (52)(55)91785052


WWL says:

Hugo López Coll is highly skilled in internal investigations and has a “strong background and knowledge of the area”, according to peers.


​​​​​​​Hugo advises clients, both in regulated and non-regulated industries, on regulatory and compliance matters with several Mexican laws, and regularly assists clients with issues arising under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act, the OECD Convention and the UN Convention Against Corruption and other local applicable anticorruption laws.

Looking back over your career, what is the most interesting case you have been a part of and why?

I was one of the leading compliance advisors for a Fortune 10 company in its anti-corruption compliance efforts worldwide while facing an investigation from the DOJ and the SEC. The company has a presence in Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico, Central America, Latin America, India and China.

What do you enjoy most about role as a compliance and investigations specialist?

Providing practical solutions to difficult scenarios. Most of the time, the cases we are retained on are those that keep a general counsel up at night. We need to stay on our toes, work as a team, and bring subject matter experts whenever it is required.

What is the greatest challenge posed to lawyers conducting internal investigations today?

Currently a challenge is dealing with the use of unmonitored personal devices and encrypted communications. Similarly, navigating conflicting laws due to different standards and case law in different jurisdictions.

What makes Sainz Abogados stand out from its competitors in the market?

Sainz Abogados’ investigations and regulatory compliance practice advises and defends the world’s leading companies, their boards of directors and senior executives in internal investigations for various reasons, such as internal fraud, conflict of interest, market manipulation, white collar crimes, insider trading, as well as in matters where they have proceedings, or possibly will have proceedings, before various regulators and authorities in Mexico and abroad.

The practice has an unmatched record in achieving declinations of investigations, securing non-prosecution and deferred prosecution agreements, and most importantly winning in the court rooms.

How do you establish a detailed understanding of a client’s business to advise them effectively?

We do our homework. First, we familiarise ourselves with our client´s industry. Then, we collect data through questionnaires and conversations with key contacts. Thereafter, we work very closely with the client to understand its problems and expectations and to agree on the full scope of assignment and a course of action.

In what ways is investigations work in Mexico and North America changing, and how is this impacting practice?

We need to keep track of recent developments abroad in terms of what is to be considered an effective compliance program. For example, to have a thorough understanding of such effectiveness with a standard based on DOJ guidelines.

If you could introduce one reform into law to help investigations work, what would it be and why?

Whistleblower protection and incentives.

What advice would you give to younger practitioners hoping to one day be in your position?

Look for mentors. Keep close to those lawyers at your firms or legal departments that you consider exceptional. Acknowledge early in your career that the legal profession is a business. Keep close to your friends and start building a business network; the sooner the better. Improve your negotiation skills.