Valery Knyazev


The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street
SE1 9SG, London, England


Peers and clients say:

"He shows excellent attention to detail"
"He is very hands-on and approachable"
"Val is able to produce expert reports in quick order"


Valery Knyazev is a managing director in the expert services practice, based in the London office. He has over 25 years of professional experience and has been involved in forensic accounting and financial expert engagements in the UK, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region and in emerging markets.

What has been the highlight in your career to date?

I still remember, as if it was yesterday, the first time I gave evidence in 2013. It was a big step in my career.

How has the market changed since you first started practising?

A lot of things are moving online, and I believe, eventually, with further advances in technology everything is going to be online.

You do a mix of investigations and disputes work. To what extent do these two sides of your practice complement one another?

All my expert work on valuation/loss/damage assessments involves analysis of allegedly fraudulent transactions and their effect on quantum. So, in my practice these two streams of work are not separable.

What do clients look for when selecting a forensic accountant?

I believe that relevant experience in the industry and the region is a decisive factor in many cases.

What are the key challenges up-and-coming forensic accountants face in their practice and how can they overcome these?

In my opinion the most difficult is the first step of securing an appointment as an expert and to obtain testifying experience. I do not believe there is a universal recipe to obtain a first appointment but there is a prerequisite to be good in what you are doing.

Where, in your opinion, does the future of arbitration experts lie?

There are some challenges and concerns, I would say, perceived, challenges and concerns, about the independence of a party-appointed expert and more focus on a tribunal-appointed expert. However, I do not believe there are any further practical steps to enhance experts’ independence without compromising attractiveness of the arbitration process to the parties involved.

What advice would you give up and coming practitioners hoping to one day be in your position?

If you enjoy what you are doing, stay in the profession, and you have more chances to be really good in it with experience and your time will come to be appointed as an expert for the first time and give evidence. Here is where your story begins.